AML Policy
AML Policy
JAGS is committed to complying with all guidelines and regulations that are published by the Central Bank. Our compliance department and workforce are dedicated to meeting KYC requirements accordingly. Furthermore, we rely on an advanced infrastructure and complaint forms that further complement KYC principles.
JAGS Money Sdn Bhd is fully in compliance with the rules and regulations set up by National Coordinating Committee (NCC), which relates to the international standards in setting the standards and recommendations of Financial Action Task Force (FATF) regarding the AML/CFT initiative for anti-money laundering/combating financial terrorism through the Asia Pacific Group (APG).
As a company, we place importance on Customer Due Diligence, and our compliance team officers are vigilant about identifying suspicious transactions and staying compliant with all controls for the prevention of fraud under anti-money laundering laws.
Our Compliance Officers are sent on regular training courses and refresher courses to upgrade their knowledge and skills in order to endeavor high standards of compliance control under Central Bank of Malaysia.
As part of our commitment to continuous anti-money laundering compliance, our Internal Audit will monitor and do random checks of all relevant processes and controls every quarter, and findings are forwarded to our CEO.